Got a New iPhone? Here’s How to Take Your Best Photos Ever

Have You Just Purchased an iPhone? Here’s How to Take Your Best Photos Ever , Before taking photos with your phone, the first step is understanding which lenses you have available. Most iPhones come equipped with two types of lenses: a wide lens and telephoto zoom lens. With either device, the potential for taking amazing images is endless!

The wide lens is ideal for capturing wider scenes, while the telephoto zoom provides closer-ups and detailed photos. Furthermore, third-party lens kits can be purchased to make even more use of your iPhone’s built-in lenses.

I- Know When to Use the Different Lenses.

Every time a new iPhone launches, much is made about how much better its camera has become. But it’s easy to overlook how important lenses are in photography – they play an integral role in how well photos turn out.

With the right lens, you can take your photography to new heights — and capture images you never thought possible. So when you get your hands on a new iPhone, be sure to learn about all of its available lenses.

The standard 1x Wide lens is an excellent starting point for landscape and still life photos, but you might also want to consider trying the 0.5x Ultra Wide lens which allows you to “zoom out” for a wider angle of view.

Portrait mode makes use of the standard 2x Telephoto lens, which is great for getting close-ups and capturing more of your subject in the background. But you can also adjust zoom levels using the radial zoom wheel.

If you’re uncertain which lens to use, take a photo in Photo mode and examine the semi-transparent areas outside the frame. This preview can help determine which iPhone lens best suits the scene you’re shooting.

Knowing when to use different iPhone lenses can make the difference between a great picture and an outstanding one. As a beginner, start with the Wide lens and work your way up from there.

You can buy a comprehensive iPhone lens kit that provides fisheye, anamorphic, macro lenses as well as a telephoto lens for long range shots. However, even the highest quality iPhone lens kits lack certain key features found on high-quality interchangeable lenses for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras like sophisticated apertures that minimize distortion and chromatic aberration.

II- Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark.

Photographers often face camera malfunctioning on the job, so getting that perfect shot can be a real challenge. To help you achieve the best shots possible, we’ve compiled our top tips for stress free shooting. Follow these guidelines and you’ll soon be taking better shots with no hassle in no time! With these tips in hand, taking better shots won’t seem so intimidating anymore.

III- Shoot in ProRaw.

Apple recently introduced ProRaw, an enhanced JPEG/HEIC format for all iPhone photos. This format is similar to shooting RAW on your DSLR – it captures more information so you have more freedom when editing afterwards.

But ProRaw also has its drawbacks. For one, its file sizes are much larger than those of standard iPhone files HEIF and JPEG; this means you’ll use up more space on your phone if you have lots of images to edit.

That said, it’s an ideal option for photographers who need to polish up their shots but aren’t afraid of spending time doing so. Furthermore, editing ProRaw images is much simpler than working with JPEGs.

To shoot in ProRaw, go to the Settings page within the Camera app and tap on the RAW indicator. This will let you know if it’s enabled for all photos; once enabled, all subsequent shots will take advantage of this setting.

It’s worth noting that ProRaw disables Live Photos and Portrait mode, yet still preserves the same camera quality you are used to on your iPhone. Unfortunately, if you need to save your photo for printing purposes, some image quality may be lost compared to HEIF/JPEG file formats.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that raw images taken with ProRaw require some post-processing in order to look their best. This is because ProRaw is a hybrid format which integrates the advantages of computational photography with traditional RAW image capture.

Shooting in ProRaw produces an open DNG file – a digital negative that can be opened by third-party applications and software. However, some of these programs may not be capable of editing such images effectively.

When editing photos, it’s essential to confirm they can be saved as a ProRaw file before beginning work. That way, you can be certain your work will be of the highest quality possible.

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